USA Solar Plan Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy explains what information we collect from you and how we handle it.


Welcome to, an Click Quote Marketing FZE. service. We are committed to bringing you the highest levels of service while protecting your privacy and the privacy of all our users and members. When you provide Click Quote Marketing FZE your personal information on our websites and other applications, like, we have an obligation to provide you with visibility regarding the way your data is accessed and used by Click Quote Marketing FZE, its affiliates, vendors, partners and other third-party entities.


Scope of Privacy Policy

In this Privacy Policy, Click Quote Marketing FZE means Click Quote Marketing FZE., a UAE Corporation that provides services under the names Click Quote Marketing FZE and In order to provide these services, it is necessary to collect certain information, including information about yourself that could, among other things, enable someone to contact you or that describes your particular relationship with Click Quote Marketing FZE (Personal Information), as well as generalized aggregate information about users of our services (Anonymous Information). In our collection and use of that information, we will respect and safeguard your privacy as set forth in this Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into the Click Quote Marketing FZE User Terms of Service. In this Privacy Policy, Personal Information includes Essential Data, as that term is defined in the Terms of Service.


This Policy applies to your access and use of all products and services that are made available by Click Quote Marketing FZE, Inc. or its affiliates, including Click Quote Marketing FZE. (the Services) through our websites, including but not limited (collectively, the Site). By using the Services, you consent to the privacy practices described in this Policy.


In connection with this Privacy Policy, we are committed to compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, regulations, and orders relating to the marketing and sale of goods or services to consumers, including, but not limited to, the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003, Restore Online Shoppers Confidence Act, Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), Truth in Caller ID Act, the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) Telemarketing Sales Rule, the FTC staff guidelines for online negative option marketing disclosures, and FTC Dot Com Disclosures guidelines, and prohibitions against the use of unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices (collectively, Applicable Marketing Laws).


Summary: While we must collect certain information from you in order to provide you and our partners with quality services, we take precautions to respect and protect that information, and we promise never to sell or rent your email address to third parties, except as otherwise described below.


1. Consent & Acknowledgment
(a) Use Signifies Consent to this Policy. By visiting and using the Site, you signify that you are familiar with and consent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you may not use our Site.
(b) Use Signifies That You Are 18 or Older. By using the Site, you represent that you are at least 18 years old. If you are not 18 years or older, then you are not an authorized user of this site and may not use our Site.
(c) Use Signifies Consent to Processing Worldwide. We process and store your Personal Information within the United States. However, by providing Personal Information on our Site, you signify that you understand and unambiguously consent to the collection, processing, and storage of your Personal Information in other countries where laws regarding the treatment of Personal Information may offer less protection than laws in the United States. Regardless, your Personal Information will not be used or disclosed in an unlawful manner or for purposes for which you have not given consent.


2. Information We Collect and How We Collect Information

(a) Information You Provide. We collect information that you submit voluntarily through our Site, including but not limited to information you provide when signing up for our services, and information you provide when editing your account and user profile. We collect information that could identify you such as your name, address, telephone number, mobile number, email address, and in some cases your Social Security Number.We also collect information you voluntarily provide in order to customize your Click Quote Marketing FZE experience (such as date of birth, gender, and personal preferences), as well as information you share in the course of your use of Click Quote Marketing FZEs services (such as comments, postings, pictures, reviews, ratings, and questions). If you choose to link any social networks to your Click Quote Marketing FZE services, we may collect information about you and your friends who also use Click Quote Marketing FZE. When you purchase a subscription, service, or goods through Click Quote Marketing FZE, you will need to submit payment information, such as credit card information, in order to facilitate payment for your purchase. We may also track your past transactions and purchases in order to provide a more personalized experience. We may also collect information about your job or business, age, gender, or other similar demographic information when such information is relevant.

If you provide us with feedback on our Site or Services, you agree that any such communications become our property, and that we may use your feedback to modify our services without paying you any compensation or royalties. When you communicate with us, either by email, phone, or other means of communication, we may also collect the content of these communications, including but not limited to recordings of phone calls where permitted by law.

While you are not required to submit any information to us, your failure to do so may make it impossible for us to provide you with some or all of our services and functions.

Please note: We do not store your third-party account IDs or passwords. Instead, we securely pass this information to our third-party partners when you request Services that require us to confirm your identity, when you request to prequalify for their products, and/or to provide you with access to your financial information on our Site.


(b) Email and Email Addresses. When you register as a member of our Site, we request and collect your email. Unless you request otherwise, we may, from time to time, use your e-mail address to contact you regarding goods and services offered on our Site, to notify you of any messages or other indications of interest youve received from other users of the Site, and to notify you of other relevant news, events and activities that you may find of interest in relation to solar products (as discussed below, we will honor your request to opt-out of such contact if you so choose). When you contact us by email, or through an online form, we will collect your e-mail address and the content of your message, including any attachments. Note, however, that we will not at any time publicly display your email address in any location on the Site.


(c) Information Automatically Gathered Using Technology.

(i) Information We Collect. When you visit the Site, use the Services, or open an email from Click Quote Marketing FZE, we may automatically receive and record certain information from your computer, web browser and/or mobile device, including without limitation the following: web browser and/or device type, IP address or other device address or ID, geolocation data, including if you use the Site on a mobile device, hardware and software settings and configurations, web pages or sites that you visit directly before or after you visit the Site, pages you view on the Site, actions you take on the Site, including your electronic path to the Site, through our Site and when you exit our Site, as well as your usage and activity on the Site, such as the links and objects you view, click or otherwise interact with (also known as Clickstream Data), and dates and times that you visit, access, or use the Services.
In addition, we collect Anonymous Informationthat is, information that cannot be traced to any user individuallyincluding aggregated statistical information about how the Site is used. We use this information to improve our services, including to determine where most of our traffic comes from (both geographically and on the Internet), what parts of the Site are visited the most, and what features of the service are most popular. We may also use web beacons to determine when emails we send you are received and read. This Privacy Policy does not limit our ability to use or disclose such non-personal, Anonymous Information to our partners, providers, merchants, advertisers, and other third parties in our sole discretion, or to utilize such information to perform market research and research on solar product interest and utilization.
(ii) Cookie Information. Click Quote Marketing FZE uses cookiespieces of data assigned to you by our servers to uniquely identify your computerin many cases to make using our Site possible for you in the first place and to enhance your experience. We assign temporary session cookies to track information you enter as you navigate around our site on a given visit (for example, to remember your past search terms or search results), as well as permanent persistent cookies to remember when you visit again in order to make your visit as efficient as possible. While your browser offers the option to block or delete cookies at any time, you may not be able to access or use certain features and functions of our Site if you do so.

(d) Information Provided by Third Parties. From time to time, we may obtain Personal Information about you from third parties we have partnered with. We may consolidate this information with other Personal Information we have already collected about you.

Like most companies, we use services provided by Google, Facebook, Instagram, Meta and other companies that use tracking technology.We also may use third-party advertising or other content on the Site that may utilize clear GIFs or other forms of web beacons, which allow the third-party content provider to read and write cookies to your web browser in connection with your viewing of the third-party content on the Site. We may also implement buttons from third-parties (e.g., Facebook like or share buttons) that may allow a third party to collect information about you through their browser cookies, even if you do not interact with the button.
We also engage third-party partners and vendors like Google Analytics and others to receive analytics and advertising services and to effectively provide you the Site and our Services. We allow these third parties, including nonaffiliated business partners, advertising networks, analytics providers, and other advertising service providers, to automatically collect Clickstream Data and other information about your online activities on the Site and across your browsers and devices using cookies, web beacons, mobile advertising identifiers and other technologies. This data is used for our own analytics and advertising purposes, as well as to facilitate partner relationships and your interactions with other third parties. In addition, certain of our third-party partners may use this information to display online advertisements tailored to your interests and preferences across your browsers and devices, to conduct ad campaign measurement and website analytics, to detect, prevent and report fraud, or to carry out their own business and commercial purposes.
Where information collected through web beacons, buttons, and similar technologies is collected directly by third parties, their collection and use of information is subject to that third partys own privacy policies. Some of these third parties are members of the Network Advertising Initiative or the Digital Advertising Alliance and participate in the industrys opt out, available at!/ or at!/. Additionally, you may opt out of the use of Google Analytics Cookies here:
Due to differences between using websites and apps on mobile devices, you may need to take additional steps to opt out on both platforms. Many mobile devices allow you to opt out of interest-based advertising for mobile apps using the settings within the mobile app or your mobile device. For more information, please check your mobile settings. Note that because these opt-out mechanisms are specific to the device or browser on which they are exercised, you will need to opt out on every browser and device that you use.


3. How We Use Your Information

We will forward, sell, share, or otherwise disclose your Personal Information to Solar Providers and other Click Quote Marketing FZE Affiliates in order to deliver the information, products and services you requested. We will also use your Personal Information to improve our own customer service, improve the Site, personalize your user experience, communicate with you about products or services that may be of interest to you, and manage our business.
In particular, our Solar Providers and other Click Quote Marketing FZE Affiliates will process your Personal Information for the following purposes:
(a) Marketing and market research: to send communications and offers related to a Solar Providers or third parties products and services, including offers based on consumers interests, personal and business characteristics and location; perform analytics for market and consumer research, trend analysis, financial analysis, and anonymization of personal information.
(b) Eligibility and pricing: to determine if consumers are eligible for certain products, services or offers and the pricing related to such offers.
(c) Surveys, promotional events, contests: to administer surveys, polls, sweepstakes, contests, loyalty programs and other promotional events and contests.
(d) Other company communications: to provide consumers with information that may be of interest such as company newsletters, announcements, reminders, and technical service bulletins.
(e) Account creation, fulfillment, servicing, and customer support: if the consumer becomes a Solar Provider customer, to process applications, create customer accounts, allow customers to create online accounts and profiles, provide goods or services, keep customers informed about the status of their services, respond to questions and addressing customers concerns, deliver updates, upgrades and product improvement information.
(f) Collection and credit reporting: if the consumer becomes a Solar Provider customer, to collect on outstanding balances, repossess collateral and update credit reporting agencies.
(g) Product research: to conduct research and analysis for maintaining, protecting, and developing services, increase and maintain the safety of our products and services, and prevent misuse.
(h) Business operations: to evaluate, develop, and improve business operations, products and services offered; business administration and other normal business activities.
(i) Compliance: to comply with applicable legal requirements, industry standards, contractual obligations, our policies, and take actions that we deem necessary to preserve and enforce our rights and the rights of others.
(j) Information security and fraud prevention: to operate information security and anti-fraud programs.
(k) Other purposes: for any other lawful purpose outlined in a Solar Providers privacy policy or disclosed to the relevant consumer.

Please Note:The Solar Providers that interact with you may retain or use your information whether or not you use their services, and their privacy and information sharing practices are set forth in their respective privacy policies. Click Quote Marketing FZE has no control over the means by which third parties further use or disclose your information. Click Quote Marketing FZE and its Solar Providers may exchange information about you and your accounts for the purpose of providing you with information about services and products. Click Quote Marketing FZE may maintain this information to assist with litigation, regulatory request(s), law enforcement requests, internal analytics, marketing purposes, and any other legally permissible purpose. When you opt to link your Click Quote Marketing FZE account to social networking sites, we may share your Personal Information through such sites, which maintain their own privacy policies that we do not control.


4. When We May Disclose Your Information
In addition to the foregoing, we may disclose your Personal Information under the following circumstances:
(a) To Perform Our Services to You: We may permit trusted third parties to access your Personal Information in order to perform tasks in support of our Services, including web hosting, payment processing, data analysis, and marketing.
We also provide aggregated Anonymous Information to merchants and other reputable third parties in order to assist them with their own market analysis and business planning. This information may include aggregated statistics about customer demographics, traffic patterns, and customer preferences. We reserve the right to provide any and all such aggregated and non-individually identifiable data to third parties. However, with the limited exceptions described above, we will not share your un-aggregated Personal Information, including email address, with any merchants or third parties.
We may share information about you or provided by you with the Click Quote Marketing FZE Affiliates. We also may share information about you with other business partners who offer products and services that we believe you may be interested in. Their privacy and information sharing practices are set forth in their respective privacy policies. We may share information with service providers that perform certain services on our behalf including, but not limited to, credit bureaus, marketing partners, or entities providing business analysis and/or Site or product support.
(b) Compliance & Prevention of Harm. We reserve the right to disclose your Personal Information if we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to comply with a subpoena, warrant, court order, administrative or government order, or any other legal requirement. We may also disclose your personal information when we believe, in good faith and in our sole discretion, that such disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, your rights, or the rights of others; to prevent harm to persons or property; or to fight fraud and credit risk.
(c) Sale, Merger, or Change of Control. In the event that Click Quote Marketing FZE undergoes an actual or proposed sale, merger, reorganization, stock sale, or change of control (including any transfers made as part of an insolvency or bankruptcy proceeding), we may transfer Personal Information as a company asset. Your use of our Site indicates your assent to such a transfer, with the understanding that the entity receiving your Personal Information will continue to honor the terms of this Privacy Policy with regard to your Personal Information.
You may, of course, decline to share certain information with us, in which case we may not be able to provide to you some of the features and functionality of the Services.


5. How We Protect Your Information

(a) With Technology. While no computer system is completely secure from failure and/or unauthorized access, we take commercially reasonable measures to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of data stored and processed on our system. For example, we encrypt your credit card information and other important Personal Information using secure socket layer (SSL) technology to provide secure transmission from your computer to our servers.
(b) With Administrative Rules. We take commercially reasonable measures to restrict access to your Personal Information to a limited number of employees, agents, officers, and third parties who require such access to perform duties necessary to provide you with our services, and only after being trained on the terms of this Privacy Policy.
Together, we believe these technological and administrative measures provide a level of security that is appropriate to the type of data involved.

6. How You Can Control Your Information

(a) By Setting Preferences. In your Member Profile, which you may access at any time once you have become a Member of the Site, you may set preferences about how we may contact you. If you choose to opt-out of certain communications, we will make reasonable efforts to honor your request promptly, but please understand it may take several business days for your request to take effect.
(b) By Unsubscribing from Emails: In all emails we send you, you will see options to unsubscribe from our communications. If you choose to unsubscribe from emails, we will make reasonable efforts to honor your request promptly, but please understand it may take several business days for your request to take effect. Please note also that we may continue to contact you with important information regarding changes to this and other policies, to provide confirmation of transactions, or to inform you of important administrative matters.
(c) By Using Discretion in Public Forums. Click Quote Marketing FZE may offer various forums for sharing messages, questions, comments, profiles, and other user-generated content, and for communicating with Solar Providers and other Click Quote Marketing FZE Affiliates. You should be aware that any information you provide in such forums may be read, collected, and used by any person for any purpose. It is your responsibility to use discretion with your Personal Information in such forums; Click Quote Marketing FZE cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from your disclosure of information in publicly accessible forums, or in your communications with individuals you contact through the Site.
(d) By Contacting Us With Your Concerns. If you have concerns about your privacy that are not covered by this Privacy Policy, we invite you to contact us at legal@Click Quote Marketing We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate your requests, but if we are not able to come to a mutually agreeable solution, we reserve the right to remove all your Personal Information and require that you cease use of the Site.
(e) Information Retention. Unless you specifically ask us to delete your personal information, we will retain your personal information as long as it is necessary for us to comply with our data retention requirements and provide you with services and the benefits of our Services and successfully run our business. However, even if you request a deletion, we may be required to maintain your information for as long as necessary to: comply with our legal or regulatory compliance needs (e.g. maintaining records of transactions you have made with us); to exercise, establish or defend legal claims; and/or to protect against fraudulent or abusive activity on our service.
This means we may keep different information for different periods of time. If your account is canceled because you have not used it in a long time, we may delete this information at any time. There may be occasions where we are unable to fully delete, anonymize, or de-identify your information due to technical, legal, regulatory compliance or other operational reasons. Where this is the case, we will take reasonable measures to securely isolate your personal information from any further processing until such time as we are able to delete, anonymize, or de-identify it.


7. We Do Not Control How Others Use Your Information

Click Quote Marketing FZE may provide links to sites controlled by outside parties, including providers, merchants, and affiliates. In turn, other parties, including our affiliates and advertisers, may provide links to Click Quote Marketing FZEs Site. Click Quote Marketing FZE has no control over other parties sites, and cannot be held responsible for the content or privacy policy (if any) of such other sites. Your use of any external site is at your own risk, and is not subject to this Privacy Policy, even if you reached such site through a link on our Site.


8. Minors Are Not Authorized Users

Click Quote Marketing FZE does not direct its content or services to children, and requires users of our Site to be at least eighteen (18) years old. Any user that is under 18 is not an authorized user. Moreover, we do not intentionally collect or maintain any Personal Information from or about any individual under 18 years oldprotecting the privacy of all children is paramount at Click Quote Marketing FZE. If we learn that any user is under 18 years old, we will promptly delete any Personal Information we have inadvertently collected about that user, and use all commercially reasonable efforts to prevent that user from continuing to access our Site.


9. Telephone Solicitation

We understand that commercial telephone communications can sometimes be unwelcome, and Click Quote Marketing FZE itself will never contact you by telephone in the regular course of business. However, as an essential part of the Services, we forward your telephone number and other Personal Information to Solar Providers and third parties so that they can provide you with estimates, offers, and other information related to residential solar products. By providing your telephone number, you expressly represent and warrant that such telephone number: (a) is not on the National Do Not Call Registry, (b) is not an emergency telephone line, (c) is not the telephone line of any guest room or patient room of a hospital, health care facility, elderly home, or similar establishment; and (d) is not assigned to a paging service, cellular telephone service, specialized mobile radio service, or other radio common carrier service, or any service for which the called party is charged for the call, (e) is a personal telephone number and not a facsimile number.
While we make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Click Quote Marketing FZE Affiliates and Solar Providers will comply with the TCPA and other rules, regulations, and best practices regarding telephone communications, we have no direct control over their actions, and cannot be held responsible for violations of such laws, rules, regulations, or best practices by any third party.


10. Special Rights of Users in California

We are required by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) to provide thisCCPA Noticeto California residents to explain how we collect, use and share their personal Information, and the rights and choices we offer California residents regarding our handling of their personal information.
This CCPA Notice, including the description of ourprivacy practicesand yourPrivacy Rights, apply only to California residents whose interactions with us are limited to: visiting our consumer websites, signing up for email alerts, commenting on or contributing to our blogs, establishing an account that does not include financial products or services, or applying for our job openings on our websites(however, note that the CCPA limits some of the privacy rights for job applicants).

Information We Collect. We collect the categories of personal information about California consumers identified in this Privacy Policy and use and disclose to third parties this information for business or commercial purposes. In addition, as is common practice among companies that operate online, we allow certain third parties, including nonaffiliated business partners, advertising networks, analytics providers, and other advertising providers, to directly collect information about your online activities on the Site and across your browsers and devices using cookies, web beacons, mobile advertising identifiers and other technologies. These third parties may use this information to display online advertisements tailored to your interests and preferences across your browsers and devices, to conduct ad campaign measurement and Site analytics, to detect, prevent and report fraud, or to carry out their own business and commercial purposes. The collection of information by some of these third parties may constitute a sale of personal information, as defined under the CCPA.
Why We Collect, Use, and Share California Information. We use and disclose the personal information we collect for our commercial and business purposes, as further described in this Privacy Policy. Commercial purposes include, without limitation: marketing, advertising, authentication, identity resolution, fraud prevention, fulfillment services, and fulfilling the requests of our customers. Business purposes, as identified in the CCPA, include: audits and related activities; legal compliance; detecting and protecting against security incidents, fraud, and illegal activity; debugging services and systems; administrative and support services such as processing orders and payments and analytics; internal research and operations; activities to maintain and improve our Services; and other one-time uses.

We disclose the categories of personal information designated above to the following categories of third parties: service providers, lending partners, referral partners, joint marketing partners, credit reporting agencies, financial service aggregators, government entities, advertising networks, internet service providers, data analytics providers, operating system providers, professional services organizations, and social networks.

We also allow third parties to collect information about your use of our site through third-party cookies and the data collected by these third-party cookies may be used to display cross-context behavioral online advertisements tailored to your interests and preferences across your browsers and devices or to conduct ad campaign measurement.
This CCPA Notice does not apply to the personal information we collect, use or disclose about consumers who initiate or complete the process of applying for financial products or services. This is because this information is subject to the federal Gramm-Bliley Act (GLBA) and implementing regulations, or the California Financial Information Privacy Act (FIPA), or representatives of businesses that seek to obtain our products or services, or to provide products or services to us.